

Best Dart and Flutter books 2023


The contents

I will introduce the Dart and Flutter courses(Udemy) and good books in this article.

Udemy is nice

  • One month free refund.
  • The authors often update their materials when information becomes outdated, making them beginner-friendly.


The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

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Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart - created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.

Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!

Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online.

Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2023 Edition]

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Join the most comprehensive & bestselling Flutter course and learn how to build amazing iOS and Android apps!

Thanks to Flutter, you don't need to learn Android/ Java and iOS/ Swift to build real native mobile apps!

The Complete Dart Language Guide for Beginners and Beyond

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Welcome to this full and complete course on the Dart language.

Dart is the language behind Flutter: Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful and fast native apps for iOS, Android, web and beyond.

With Dart you can build Flutter apps across all these different platforms with a single codebase.


Dart Apprentice (First Edition): Beginning Programming with Dart

Dart Apprentice is aimed at anyone interested in learning this new and modern programming language.
If you’re a beginner and want to start programming, this is great place to start.
If you’re an experienced programmer interested in learning Dart, here you’ll find all the concepts you need to know. In either case, following along with this book, you’ll be comfortable writing your own Dart programs in less time than you think.

Data Structures & Algorithms in Dart (First Edition)

This book is for programmers who are familiar with the Dart language but would like to improve the efficiency of their code and take their skills to the next level.

Topics Covered in Data Structures & Algorithms in Dart

  • Big O Notation: Analyze the time and space complexity of algorithms.
  • Basic data structures: Efficiently use the lists, sets, and maps that come with Dart.
  • Stacks: Build this first-in-last-out data structure from scratch.
  • Queues: Implement this first-in-first-out data structure in multiple ways.
  • Trees: Recursively traverse the nodes of trees that you build yourself.
  • Graphs: Model real-world relationships by connecting data in a network of vertices.
  • Search algorithms: Find values in a collection using binary search, breadth-first search, and depth-first search.
  • Sorting algorithms: Learn the differences between bubble sort, radix sort, merge sort, and quicksort.

One thing you can count on: after reading this book, you’ll be prepared to analyze the efficiency of your code and have the tools to improve its performance.

Modern Mainframe Development: COBOL, Databases, and Next-Generation Approaches

By the end of this book, you'll have a solid understanding of the mainframe architecture and ecosystem, including core concepts and technologies such as COBOL, REXX, JCL, Db2, VSAM, and CICS.
You'll also learn how to blend in newer technologies such as the cloud, AI and machine learning, and microservices.
This handbook is indispensable for enterprises looking to thrive in the new digital world.

Quick Start Guide to Dart Programming:

This book starts with an introduction to the Dart IDE, after which you will take a look at the various components of the Dart programming language.
You will look at types and variables, and get to know the significance of collections and arrays in Dart.
Once you've familiarized yourself with the initial components of Dart, you will see how the flow of control and looping can be achieved by using if, else, and conditional expressions. Moving on to functions and objects, you will dig deeper into the concepts of object-oriented programming to gauge the importance of constructors in Dart.
You will then discover more about inheritance and mixins, seeing how they contain methods for use by other classes.

Learn Dart Programming by Questions

Do you have any of these problems now?

・I've learned basic Dart grammar, but I don't know what to do next
・I studied Dart, but I am not sure if I have mastered it.
・I want to check the Dart skills I have learned

These are common problems for Dart beginners.
There are books and videos to learn the basics of Dart, but there are not many materials to help you move beyond that.
As a result, beginners are left wondering how to proceed with their next step in learning.

After learning the basics, what you need to do is output.
In this book, we have prepared 55 exercises for that output.
The contents covered are as follows.

・basic arithmetic operations
・for, while
・if, ternary operator, case
・ASCII code
・De Morgan's laws
・easy Class

You can read this book by Kindle Unlimited for 30 days free.

Flutter Cookbook: Over 100 proven techniques and solutions for app development with Flutter 2.2 and Dart

What you will learn

  • Use Dart programming to customize your Flutter applications
  • Discover how to develop and think like a Dart programmer
  • Leverage Firebase Machine Learning capabilities to create intelligent apps
  • Create reusable architecture that can be applied to any type of app
  • Use web services and persist data locally
  • Debug and solve problems before users can see them
  • Use asynchronous programming with Future and Stream
  • Manage the app state with Streams and the BLoC pattern

Flutter Complete Reference: Create beautiful, fast and native apps for any device

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for creating beautiful and native applications for mobile, desktop and web from a single Dart codebase.
In this book we cover in detail the Dart programming language (version 2.10, with null safety support) and the Flutter framework (version 1.20).
While reading the chapters, you'll find a lot of good practices, tips and performance advices to build high quality products.


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